EDCF/UNIC Problem Resolution Round Table at CineEurope
Dear EDCF Members,
You are invited to contribute to the EDCF/UNIC Problem Resolution Round Table at CineEurope. Thursday, 22 June 2023 |10:00 – 11:30 | CCIB Room 115
This meeting will bring together a group of industry professionals to identify key issues relating to cinema technology and come up with an action plan for resolving them. It would be great to have you involved! Could you kindly confirm your attendance to this meeting by 11th June 2023 to admin@edcf.net
FYI, here is a non-exhaustive list of suggested topics from UNIC and EDCF members:
- Challenges related to human resources and training
- Assuring presentation quality under the give circumstances of staff shortage and increasing lag of qualification
- Aging equipment and spare part availability
- Quality and availability on new products. Quality Control on the manufacturer site is sometimes poor. A lot of integration testing and development seems to happen on site.
- Live Events: Technical quality and reliability. Do we meet our customers’ expectations? How can we make sure that we get great quality from the production?
- How to ensure efficient collaboration between manufacturers and exhibitors when it comes to the design/operational efficiency of future cinema technology;
- Challenges related to advertising/pres-show content in cinema, with various formats/best practices across Europe when it comes to image and sound;
- Challenges related to accessibility and audio description, in particular related to the different audience needs (low vs high-frequency hearing loss for instance);
- Challenges related to the efficient measurement of laser light degradation and lifetime;
- Challenges related to the non-use of new cinema technology – such as laser projection – by post-production companies.
If you have any other topics to add, please let us know as soon as possible.
Looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona!
If you are not an EDCF member and would like to attend, pls. contact Juergen Burghardt at admin@edcf.net