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EDCF Annual Conference 2023
February 7, 2023 - February 8, 2023
Dear EDCF members,
The EDCF Conference on 7th -8th February 2023 at the Cinecittá multiplex cinema in Nuremberg / Germany is the forum for all major industry associations, organizations and professionals involved in the development of digital cinema in Europe. Cinema operators, service providers, manufacturers, producers, filmmakers, researchers and many others are invited to participate. The main objective is to give all associations the opportunity to discuss the technology-related interests of our industry.
Topics to be covered during the conference, with panel discussions, interviews and presentations will include:
- Tour of Cinecittá facilities
- Industry updates from EDCF+UNIC and progress reports from other associations
- How and what new technologies can improve business for all industry players and cinema-goers?
- Progress Report from Germany Digital Cinematography
- A series of short presentations “à la EDCF” in 3-4 presentations of up to 6 minutes (separate call for contribution will follow)
- A panel discussion on “Avatar: The Way of Water, taking stock / is this the future of film delivery?”
- HR in cinemas and related challenges
- Sustainability in film and cinema
- DCI HDR and Direct View additions
The complete program is listed below.
(subject to change)
12.00 – 13.00
Registration and welcome coffee
13.00 – 14.00
Tour around CINECITTÁ
14.00 – 14.10
Welcome speech by EDCF President
Cathy Huis in ’t Veld Esser – President EDCF
14.10 – 14.40
Industry update. Joint presentation EDCF+UNIC
David Hancock, Laura Houlgatte
14.40 – 15.45
Progress reports from Associations
- ISDCF update – Steve LLamb
- ICTA trends and developments – Jan Runge
- LIPA update – Tom Bert
- SAWA update – Julian Pinn
- Interview with Steve LLamb on SMPTE standards development
- New Cinema Technology Committee 27C
- Publication process
15.45 – 16.00
Green Deal, right of repair as a challenge for the digital cinema ecosystem
Radoslav Markov
Sponsor contribution by Eikona
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee Break – sponsored by Eikona
16.30 – 17.45
How and which new upcoming technologies can improve business for all industry players and moviegoers? – Panel discussion
Moderator: Patrick von Sychowski
- Benjamin Dauhrer (Cinecittá)
- Wout van der Elst (CinemaNext)
- Jan Harmsen (Kinopolis)
- Marc Schütrumpf (Neox film)
- Tom Bert (Barco)
17.45 – 18.15
Progress report from German Cinema Sector and on Digital Cinematography Developments:
Christine Berg (HDF Kino) – interviewed by Jan Runge
Sponsor contribution by cinionic
Dinner – sponsored by cinionic
08.00 – 09.00
Morning Coffee, networking, registration
09.00 – 09.30
Presentation from CINECITTA
09.30 – 10.15
Series of quickfire soapboxes «à la EDCF»
short presentations up to 5 minutes, followed by a quick Q&A
Moderator: Julian Pinn
- Status on LED in cinemas:
- Manufacturers view – Tom Bert (Barco)
- Integrators view – Wout van der Elst (Cinemanext)
- The energy efficiency of the new Laser Optical System – Chris Connett (Christie Digital)
- New clean and appropriate screen for your projector – Bernard Collard (Strong MDI)
10.15 – 11.00
Avatar: The Way of Water, what challenges were overcome and lessons
learned? – Panel Debate
Moderator: Patrick von Sychowsky / Julian Pinn
- Andreas Stier (Eikona) Renate Scheliga (MACCS/Numero)
- Paul Huis in ’t Veld Esser (Gofilex) Marcus Decke (Gofilex)
- Susanne Flaexl (Cineplexx) Carly Brown (Disney – remote)
11.00 – 11.30
UNIC: HR in cinemas and related challenges
Training tools, and technical documents that can be used by industry professionals in Europe and globally
Laura Houlgatte (UNIC)
11.30 – 12.00
Sponsors contribution by MACCS
Networking brunch – sponsored by MACCS.
12.00 – 12.45
Sustainability in Film and Cinema
Moderator: David Hancock
- Benjamin Dauhrer (Cinecittá) Harry Schusterov (Gofilex)
- Tom Bert (Barco) Bas van Heek (cinionic)
12.45 – 14.00
Open Session – Open topics – Ideas and Thoughts
Including conclusion wrap-up by EDCF President
Cathy Huis in ’t Veld Esser and David Hancock
14.00 – 15.00
Sponsors contribution by UNIC
Final drinks and cocktails – sponsored by UNIC
If you are interested to participate free of charge pls. contact Juergen Burghardt by email admin@edcf.net providing your full address and contact details.
The conference will start at 12:00 CET on February 7th and ends at 15:00 CET on February 8th 2023.
Best regards,
The EDCF Board